Diana Chaloux

[edit-This interview originally was published in the newsletter, IN THE ZONE, in January, 2009. Some of the information in this interview may no longer be current.]
This month we share a few minutes with Diana Chaloux, co-owner of Destined 2 Be Fit. Diana is a WBFF Figure World Champion, FAME Pro Fitness Model World Champion, and Certified Personal Trainer.
ITZ: Diana, what led you to the competition stage?
DC: I was always into fitness and athletics growing up, I loved the weight room and was
strength training as early as 14 years old. It wasn’t until around 2002-2003 when I became a certified personal trainer that the world of physique competition sparked my interest. I remember seeing these amazing fit women in magazines and on television. I was in absolute awe of them. I didn’t know when or how but I knew then it is what I wanted to be. I had pictures of fitness and figure competitors plastered all over the walls of my room and vowed that someday that would be me. I procrastinated for several years
before I finally buckled down in 2005 and made the commitment to compete in my first show! I was a personal trainer at the time, but I wasn’t eating right and weighed in at about 170 pounds. I trained hard and ate clean for 18 weeks for my first competition. I lost over 40 pounds during that time, and won first place. I was hooked on the sport from that moment on. Three years later, I can’t believe what an amazing journey I’ve had so far, with pro cards now from two different organizations, two world champion titles, and
coverage in magazines such as Oxygen, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Status Fitness. I’m simply amazed that such big dreams are coming true!
ITZ: What are your competition goals?
DC: I spent 2007-2008 focusing on competition, I competed in four shows and won all four of them. One of the main reasons I compete is because I have a deep desire to have an impact on the obesity crisis that our country is facing. My goal is to educate, inspire and motivate others to make positive changes to enhance their lives, and the lives of their children. Having titles and coverage in the fitness industry offers me a platform to be able to fulfill that goal. I do love the competition stage though, and I will continue to compete because I love the challenge, I love the atmosphere at the competitions, being
Around my fellow athletes, the excitement; it’s contagious!
ITZ: How did you get involved with Destined 2 Be Fit.
DC: I wanted to start my own business. In 2006, I Took a year off from competing to get Destined 2 Be Fit up and running. I provide all types of fitness services through D2BFit, the latest is my Online Transformation Programs! I offer 12 and 16 Week packages where people can work with me online as their very own trainer. I provide them with customized workouts depending on what type of equipment or space that they have available to them. I give them nutrition guidance and work with them on their diets. Each one of my clients has their own personal profile page where they get loads of fitness and nutrition information. They also have direct access to me online where I can answer their questions, coach them through a moment of weakness, or help them prepare for an upcoming obstacle. I have clients all around the world, including Italy, the UK, Canada, Australia and of course the US! It is really awesome to have the opportunity to be a part of the fitness Journey of so many people regardless of where they live! I also provide one-on-one personal training where I get To work with people in person on their fitness goals! That is an awesome experience too.
ITZ: How does online training work?
DC: Online training has been so much fun because it allows me to offer up my knowledge as a professional trainer and competitor to my clients regardless of where they live. The great thing about it too is I can communicate with my clients on a regular basis to answer their questions, provide them with workouts, help them make healthy eating choices and keep them on track to attain their fitness goals throughout my time working with them, and it doesn’t matter where I am or where they are! The main thing that the majority of
people are lacking when it comes to attaining their goals is motivation and someone to hold them accountable. When they have me keeping them motivated and holding them accountable for their choices they are able to achieve their goals. Also, online training is an extremely affordable alternative to one-on-one personal training. My programs are extremely cost effective. I offer 12 and 16 week plans which break down to $13.00 – $15.00 per week! Considering that one-on-one sessions run anywhere from $45.00-$75.00 per hour, it is a considerable savings.
ITZ: Tell us about the “Fitness Deadlines” DVD.
DC: Fitness Deadlines is my strength training DVD. The whole goal of this program was to provide efficient, effective workouts which don’t require a lot of equipment or space. The workouts are doable regardless if you are a beginner or are more advanced. I kept the movements simple, yet they are some of the most effective exercises that you can do to get your body in shape! The workouts are great for if you are traveling too. The only equipment required is a resistance band. There is an upper body workout, lower body workout and a full body express workout. Each routine is around 15 minutes long so they aren’t time consuming, but they are very effective. “Fitness Deadlines” is available for sale in my website!
ITZ: Who influenced you?
DC: I’ve looked up to a number of amazing women, and the coolest thing is I now proudly call these women my friends! The same girls whose pictures I had plastered on my walls a few years ago are the ones I now stand on stage with and that in itself is a huge honor. There are also men who have had a major influence on my journey in the fitness
industry. Micah LaCerte is the main one. He is a life coach, trainer and top fitness model, and lucky me, he is my boyfriend. I have learned so much from him. He has overcome incredible circumstances in his life and has inspired me to be a better trainer, a better competitor, and a better woman. I am Blessed to have him in my life.
ITZ: What advice should everyone follow?
DC: The best advice I can give anyone is to take the power and responsibility for your choices. Leading a fit and healthy lifestyle, eating properly and caring for your body which is such a gift, is completely up to you. When you take care of your body, your quality and quantity of life can be so much better! You will be better at all of your roles in life, whether it be as a parent, employer, employee, friend, son or daughter, etc. When we choose to neglect our health and fitness, place it on the bottom rung of the priority list so
to speak, we are asking for trouble. The likelihood of developing a plethora of diseases is greatly increased, energy levels are low, confidence and self esteem are low, ability to perform at your best is not doable, quality of life and the ability to just enjoy it and be happy everyday are compromised. It is so important to take charge of your health and fitness so that you can be the best that you can be!
ITZ: What do you do to relax?
DC: I love spending time with my family, especially with my niece, who is two years old and just so awesome. I love hanging out with Micah, we are big into watching movies or just getting outside and going for a walk together.
ITZ: Favorite book/movie?
DC: My absolute favorite book is the Bible, can’t get enough of God’s word and guidance; need it so much! I love books by Max Lucado and I love my Fitness magazines. My favorite movies are love stories (I’m such a girl). My sister and I love watching flicks like the Notebook and the Holiday. Those are two of my very favorites.
ITZ: Diana, thank you for your time. We wish you success in your competitive career, as well as with your business.
Be sure to visit DianaChaloux.net. To contact Diana you can email her at diana.chaloux@yahoo.com. Don’t forget to check out Diana’s blog.
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